Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Priority #2 - Your Relationship with Your Spouse

Priority #2: Your Relationship with Your Spouse

Genesis 2:24 (Also quoted by Paul in Ephesians 5:31) – Upon marriage, God looks at husband and wife as one flesh. This is the next most important relationship after your relationship with God. Marriage partners should continually reflect on the dimensions of 1) leaving, 2) cleaving, and 3) being one flesh. Your relationship needs constant attention in a environment that is full of filth and dispair. I am so proud of my relationship with God first, and my beautiful wife Debbie. We continue to be attacked by the devil through avenues that he has a hold on. If you have a strong marriage and united as one, and are truly one as spoken in God's word, this will be the strength you will depend on to fight the devil.

Ephesians 5:21-33 – How are we to love our spouses?
· Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (verse 21)
· Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church (verse 25)
· Husbands, love your wives as you do your own bodies (verse 28)
· Husbands, nourish, care for and sanctify your wives “by the washing of the Word” (verses 26-29)
· Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands (verses 22-24)
· Wives, respect your husbands (verse 33)

1 Peter 3:7 – Husbands live with your wives with understanding so your prayers will not be hindered.

Dear Lord,

I pray that you protect all of my family and lift the ones who are lost up. I pray that the ones who are lost will seek you first and gain control of the issues that are troubling them so much. Lord please forgive me of my sins and watch over my marriage and protect us from the worldly things that will bring us down. For it is in Christ name I pray. Amen


  1. i think you and mrs. debbie have a great relationship. you two look so happy together and i know you love one another. i want that! ash

  2. Spot on Brother....Thank you for taking the time each day to post encouragement. John
