Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cracks In My Armor

Today as I was sitting in my easy chair enjoying a cup of coffee, God spoke to me about having "Cracks In My Armor."  I said Ok, Lord I hear you, but I don't really understand what you’re talking about.  He spoke to me again by saying. "No matter how hard you try darkness breaks through your armor.  You put your armor on everyday and don't realize that the way of the world breaks through or pierces your armor so easily.  My plan for you is not too experience what the world is about, but for you to discern what you let through your armor.  Many things can appear to be good, but they aren't.  That is why I gave you the ability to know good from evil."

I think that in the midst of darkness in our lives is when are armor is at it's weakest point.  Things happen in are lives that keep us unfaithful.  It doesn't mean we are weak, it only means that are armor has cracked a bit.  

I believe that God wants us to know that we are imperfect and live in a imperfect world, although his creation is perfect.  If you believe that Jesus died and rose the third day for you, then your equipped with the "Holy Spirit Armor."

I think about the things that I have let through my armor, because I chose too.  They are all things of the world.  I have to understand that growing in the "Love of the Lord" is a life long journey.  I don't believe that it is something you just wake up one morning and say, "I've been saved and I'm not going to sin anymore."  That would be foolish for me.

In reading (Micah 2:13 - the breaker is come up before them.)  It means that, "Whatever foes may arise before the Christian, they are all overcome."  I believe that Jesus has already conquered every foe that comes against us.  We shall often engage evil in combat; but trusting in Jesus even when our armor is cracked the enemy is defeated.  Because, once you have been truly saved, Jesus will not forsake you.  When we fight battles, He is with us always!

Micah 7:7-9 - Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: My God will hear me.  Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise; where I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light unto me.  I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgement for me: he will bring forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness.

Imperfections fill the world.  Being perfect is far from reality.  There is to much selfishness, hatred, chaos coupled with murder, crime, poverty and terrorism in this imperfect world.  I know that we all dream of peace, love and harmony to prevail, but it will remain an elusive dream forever, until we reach Heaven.

We often think or hear the saying that "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence."  In reality, we know that is not true at all because all societies are despaired.

Our entire life passes, and it is spent trying to make an imperfect world perfect or trying to make our little piece of it perfect for us!  As we come to the end of our lives, we realize that all our attempts to make life better hardly resulted into a tangible change.

You know, God always comes to where we are regardless of the struggles of our imperfect life.  That's why we should try to have "Courageous Faith."

Courageous Faith - is the demonstration of obedience.  The kind of obedience that has courage, the kind of obedience that will occur no matter the price, no matter what the cost.  Having "Courageous Faith," is a toughness that comes through prayer and belief.

Where are you in your life?  What secrets do you hold?  We all have guilt and pain. That's why Grace appears before us in so many ways.  You just have to open your eyes and heart and let the father in!  If you seek His face you can rise above this world.  It doesn't mean we won't struggle with things of the world.  It means that Jesus is with us to help us through the good times and bad times.  It means that we have faith in the eternal life that God promises us.

Prayer for Today

Lord, I pray today that your Kingdom is what lays us down at night and wakes us up in the morning.  Lord we live in such a broken world with so much hatred.  Lord that's why I put my faith in you, and I pray for "Courageous Faith."  Lord I pray for the broken one's of the world today.  I pray that they may seek you like never before, because I know you love them so much.  Lord, you said we would not walk this world alone, but so many people do everyday.  If they only knew that your Grace is sufficient, present yourself to them father so that they may know the joy of your love.  

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