Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Love And Storms - Love will Last and Storms will Pass

Love Will Last

1 Corinthians 13:10-13

New King James Version (NKJV)

10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

These verses have been on my heart to share with you all.  When Paul wrote of "full understanding," he was referring to when we must see Christ face to face.  God gives believers spiritual gifts for their lives on earth in order to build up, serve, and strengthen fellow Christians.  The spiritual gifts are for the church.  

In eternity, we will be made perfect and complete and will be in the very presence of God.  We will no longer need the spiritual gifts, so they will come to end.  Then, we will have a full understanding and appreciation for one another as unique expressions of God's infinite creativity.  We will use our differences as a reason to praise God!  Based on this perspective, we should treat each other with the same love and unity that we will one day share.  

Paul also wrote that love endures forever.  In morally corrupt Corinth, love had become a mixed-up term with little meaning.  Today, people are still confused about love.  

Love is the greatest of all human qualities and is an attribute of God Himself; (1 John 4:8 - He who does not love does not know God, for God is love).  Love involves unselfish service to others.  Faith is the foundation and content of God's message; hope is the attitude and focus; love is the action.  When faith and hope are in line, your free to love completely because you understand how God loves.  John says, "God is love," not "Love is God."  Our world, with its shallow and selfish view of love, has turned these words around and contaminated our understanding of love.  

The world thinks that love is what makes a person feel good and that it is all right to sacrifice moral principles and others' rights in order to obtain  such love."  But that isn't real love; it is the exact opposite--selfishness.  And God is not that kind of "love."  Real love is like God, who is holy, just, and perfect.  If we truly know God, we will love as He does.

Storms Will Pass

Always remember that we are promised by Jesus that He will calm every storm that this world tosses at us, first you must give unto Him completely.  

In (Matthew 8:23-27 - Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with His disciples.  Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat.  But Jesus was sleeping.  The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, "Lord, save us!  We're going to drown!"  Jesus responded, "Why are you afraid?  You have so little faith!"  Then He got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.  Then the disciples were amazed.  "Who is this man?" they asked.  "Even the winds and waves obey him!"

Just as the disciples, we all are caught off guard and without warning about how awful this world can be/get.  How imperfect people are and how they can catch us off guard with putting there trials and tribulations on our shoulders with even knowing it.  But, we can clearly see in the verses above that through Jesus the waves will turn into calm waters, by trusting in Him alone.

May God bless you and keep you safe....

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