Friday, September 11, 2009

Conflicting Priorities

CONFLICTING PRIORITIES - Priorities #1, #2, #3

These priorities will often seem to compete for your time and attention. There will be a time when your work will place extremely stressful and lengthy demands on you. You may have only a limited time to spend with God, family, or spiritual activities. Consider these three points:

· Your relationship with God is preeminent. You should never forsake it or slight it. It is the most powerful resource that you can take with you into the stress and intensity of duties. It enables you to have a ministry even when most of your time and energy is devoted to your daily work activities.

· You will have to spend time away from your family. That is the nature of being responsible for the welfare of your family. Show your family, by your concern and your actions when you are home, that they are more important than career success or promotion. Then they will have the strength to endure periodic demands that shorten your time with them.

· By itself, your work will leave you unfulfilled. Seeing your work as an offering to God and as your ministry field, and taking opportunities for ministry as He presents them, will leave you fulfilled regardless.

What is your sense of priorities as a Christian?
. . . to God? . . . to your family? . . . to your duties?

Prayer: Dear Lord,

Give us the ability to focus on you first father. Although the things of the world try us each and every day of our lives, we know that we are to serve you first. Lord protect my family in times of stress and situations that get out of control. Please put down the evil doers that come up against us and keep them from prospering at our expense. Lord I pray that the evil doers will come to you with an open heart and ask for your help when they have know other options left. Lord they are lashing out, because they are walking on the wrong side of the faith. Lord grant us peace and love. Christ name I pray. Amen.

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